The Largest Island in a Lake on an Island in a Lake on an Island in the World
by Galen


1. Largest island in the world


2. Largest lake in the world

Caspian Sea 

3. Largest lake on an island

Nettilling Lake on Baffin Island (Canada)

4. Largest island in a lake

Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron (Canada)


(Second largest island in a lake)

René Levasseur Island in Lake Manicouagan, Québec, Canada


5. Largest island in a lake on an island

Pulau Samosir in Danau Toba Lake on Sumatra Island (Indonesia)

6. Largest lake on an island in a lake

Lake Manitou on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron (Canada)

7. Largest lake on an island in a lake on an island

Crater Lake on Volcano Island in Lake Taal on Luzon Island (Philippines)

8. Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake

Island in Mindemoya Lake on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron (Canada)

9. Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island (runner-up)

For many years, it was thought to be Vulcan Point in Crater Lake on Volcano Island in Lake Taal on Luzon Island (Philippines).
The picturesque lake became a local tourist attraction because of Vulcan Point's fame. 

Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island

In 2011, a new discovery was made on Google Earth maps -- an island in a lake on an unnamed island in an unnamed lake on Victoria Island in Canada.  It is located at 69.793° N, 108.241° W.  The island is just a strip of earth of about 4 acres, inside a small lake which is surrounded by a slightly larger island, which is located inside one of a series of long lakes about 75 miles up from the south coast of Victoria Island, in the territory of Nunavut.  Victoria Island, in the Arctic Ocean, is the 8th largest island on earth.


A close-up of Victoria Island:


The southern coast of Victoria Island:


Lakes on Victoria Island -- notice the lake with the small cloud above it, right in the middle of the picture:


A close-up of the lake:


An island inside the lake on Victoria Island:


The island inside the lake inside the island inside the lake on Victoria Island!

Most likely no human has ever set foot on this island.


Pictures, maps, and facts compiled by Galen Berry -- and no, I haven't been to any of these places!